Saturday, January 29, 2011

No scenery here is fine with

 Even No.
mm've got a great selection of Special bile code deep
We know that many small cap or even the broader market play the 3D game play, and even out the frequency of number quite high, color ball is no exception. First we look at the statistics (in two color 416 winning numbers since the example):
lottery total number of installments: 416
not even the No. phases: 136
Consecutive phases are: 280
number one with statistics:
with number two phases: 187
even the number three installments: 44 (Here we have 323,301 and 330,102 and as a triple number to Statistics)
other related phases: 48 (number of other links including five companies, four companies, two sets of two companies, plus a set of two with a triple, etc.)
Well, now Statistics the data listed. through the data, we can now observe: In the lottery of 416 has been (as of 2006052) on color ball, no even number is the number of issues out of 136, with even numbers is 280 out of more than more than two-thirds of all phases of a lottery. Such data tell us: key consideration must buy even number number! It is also most of the Lottery when they experience in the lottery.
Here we look at three even the number of statistical data, even the numbers out of the three phases is 44, accounting for more than one-tenth of lottery installments, which is theoretically 10 to open a three-connected No. 6 Red. This article refers to the special lamps code is here, the average 10 times out of three with No. 1. If the Lottery in their choice of numbers, as long as the selected number three with determine the number of your choice a special bile code, then the four very red Simple, no difficulty, 5 red, red just around the corner of 6.
a group of three with two sets of code contains a set of two with code and code hopping (hopping here refers to a group difference of 2 numbers, so the hopping code history in the lottery, or many, we can look carefully, do not do this in the specific statistics here, in a recent 20 lottery data in 10 numbers with jump codes), the above statistics further show that even No. open up the case, even the number two account for almost 70%, so we picked out three with code, that is, help us to improve the chances of 6 red. I here on some of my experiences to talk about Pick How to choose this special triple code, the following main points:
1. to do the tracking number of a triple graph, observe and predict the next time there might be three-connected code is generated in any region.
2. to determine even the number three after a good, random selection must pay attention to the three ends of the number is even number lore number, for example, you select 19 20 21, 18 22 that the two ends of the two codes must kill, and if selected, it became a four-connected code, and attention to the selection at both ends of the hopping code, such as 19 20 21 17 23 to three with code hopping code, should be selected;
3. there three times with random selection as far as possible to code scattered, because these three codes have been even more concentrated, so the numbers in the choice of the other should try to choose more remote when the number;
4. Triple yards after missing more than a dozen focus on three related code, most recently Even the code is 2006037 Third, there have been 15 triple no code, so we have to focus on the near future;
5. in the choice of compound triple to make good use of code, it is now more popular to buy a small duplex , 7 +1,8 +1, are we buy more, so I suggest double the number in the choice to select a group of three chance of winning even the code is a good way to improve, because there are two groups of three with two codes with code, a set of jump code, as long as the current code number to open a connection, it can greatly improve the rate of winning.

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