Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Caribbean Travel (c)

 Caribbean Travel (c)

when the ice is below the photos taken April 26, 27, finishing a good, upload to the blog today to share with you. These photos were shot in Antigua , and I am currently in the Commonwealth of Dominica.
Figure 1 (below): April 26, we see a beautiful harbor, where the gathering is a private boat, an American investment and development. Along the way, look to the horses grazing leisurely.
Figure 2 (below): the way people experience a happy donkey, sister in law said that this man is a hermit on the island, they hate the secular, away from the hubbub of city life, eating vegetarian , meditation, meditation, perception of life and nature. My ideal living conditions, people who have been here for many years.
Figure 3 (below): Several riding child, a child saw the camera, instinctively blocking the face with the arm. I do not see the saddle, riding is not very comfortable, but they are still happy.
Figure 4 (below): often encounter some sheep across the highway, casual, perhaps, they on too.
Figure 5 (below): the gathering of private boat to see the flag around the world, these boats to the boat for home fans. and brother Guangyuan photo, the sun is too strong, almost blinded, I forgot wearing sunglasses was.
Figure 6 (below): on the boat to a little bit silly oh:)
Figure 7 (below): the same as the peacock-mm tree, one of the few plants I know .
Figure 8 (below): to a beautiful white sand beach, a dog ran up and greeted as enthusiastically as acquaintances.
Figure 9 (below): water bar, come, you fell into my top you! br> Figure 11 (below): raised his head from a distance to a boat (below the middle of the white triangle), under the blue sky, gradually going further and further away, Tianshui same color, like a dream, suddenly could not suppress, eyes moist. I think of that famous poem of Li Bai, into the kind of mood, however, that the turbid water, however realized that the feeling was not Li Bai. And in this remote island, inspiration suddenly blooming like flowers, I read the poem. Later, a deeper understanding of a lot of poetry in the mood, such as Du Fu's poem this place is beautiful white sand beach, 10 minutes by car, we went to another kind of white sandy beaches, water waves from a distance, such as jade, as jade are like the fat near the same, my heart was deeply that the United States to shock! Nature is God given lives of the most precious gift, human beings have the desire to restrain himself, so that our living environment more beautiful, not the way of life since the break. this moment, I miss home so much!
Figure 13 (below): come one, look like jade water.
Figure 14 (below): keep picking up a few shells to take home mark.
Figure 15 (below) : Then, we drove to another place. thirsty, with the wife to go street to buy coconut. crossing the street and saw a car coming, I quickly stopped to wait for it to the past, the cars are stopped, my eye it First off, the driver to be a friendly action, let me pass. wife said, you do not go past that he did not, so we crossed the road. I am really worried after the habit here, who returned after being killed. < br> Figure 16 (below): I'm not up this plant the name, very beautiful.
Figure 17 (below): to. br> Figure 18 (below): This is a British built a beautiful harbor.
Figure 19 (below): to stop the car for a leisurely sheep photographs, this scene made me feel real harmony meaning.
Figure 20 (below): here facing the Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea and the situation had not seen the same, the Caribbean, calmer more moderate, but here it is rough. This is the last British artillery left behind, discarded here, despite the wind and rain. Here the concept of human history is not strong, and never show off even more concerned about the history, and focus on the rights and enjoy the real happiness.
Figure 21 (below): Also saw this plant, it grows in the Atlantic Ocean side of slim.
Figure 22 (below): This tree, like a sculpture, as if like a blue sky to start the arm.
Figure 23 (below): a cute mother sheep grazing sheep followers.
Figure 24 (below): At the top of the hill, we want to buy something, shop door open, but can not find people, and this situation here not rare. I do not know how to do this business is, huh, huh. I live in the hotel, selling the place until I left did not open for business.
Figure 25 (below): the only bar, do not 4 o'clock in the afternoon without dinner, and when it is 12 noon, day, What kind of hotel. to have a bottle of beer drink.
Figure 26 (below): eating utensils, gracefully, and less than 16:00 no meals, no justice ah.
Figure 27 (below): You can not rice, but not without music, where people addicted to music, like life, in such a remote place, even had a band.
Figure 28 (below): Look at these big speakers (on the other side there are many sound, musical instruments), the band Oh, the equipment is still relatively complete.
Figure 29 (below): Guangyuan brother, said the two men is not a couple, but the Companion. to determine the basis is one of the two men were my camera, a photo shoot for them. This may be surprised with the island, the hotel provides for an individual relationship, for example, allowed two men, two women and single persons residence, in which the hotel, you can leave and then find a hotel stay, of course, if you carry such non-hotel (quality is better), then have to find a partner. By the way, I live in the hotel normal, there is no such provision, in particular, welcome a live, after all, do not toss cleaning.
Figure 30 (below): go back, see a few people in the layout of the stage musical performances, people here seem to see the music more important than the meal.
Figure 31 (below): the time after a meal, the hotel were closed, we had to go to Chinese restaurants, because only the Chinese restaurants will stay open, and finally find a Cantonese restaurant.
Figure 32 (below): a few black women with children come in to eat, they chat happily, no one else, a big fat woman clutching his belly laugh, very happy. We were also infected, a knowing smile . her children came, the little boy with big eyes was full of happy eyes.
Figure 33 (below): April 26 evening, a cruise ship docked in port. Antigua's tourism income mainly depends , most of the time, several large cruise ships can bring tens of thousands of people, and Antigua has only 10 million people in China look like, you can easily touch of money, for example, a braided hair to help tourists to earn the than 20 U.S. dollars. here is expensive, the hotel is very expensive. a good hotel there is little less than 2000 U.S. dollars per day.
Figure 34 (below): In the evening, Antigua, people line up to watch a performance artist, a bit like a Chinese comic dialogue, very funny. I find that people here worship of Chinese martial arts in particular, the media night, walking down the street, can see people playing Chinese kung fu films, many of which are the eighties and nineties shooting martial arts films. where blacks often also as a true kung fu movie special effects, Lee idolatry of the body cast.
link: Caribbean Travels (I)
Links: Essays election
when the Ice

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