Sunday, January 16, 2011

I'm sorry you're just moving a prostitute ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 super

 Written in a very touching story, I do not deny that I cried when reading this novel, because the heart was touched hh
story is very long, I hope you see the time, be patient to read it, thank you (If you want to reprint, please message me, I will tell you indicate the source of)
read this, more so I understand, women are born to the care of this, no one has the right to hurt them! I want to tell you, if you have a girlfriend, then please take good care of her concern for her, if you do not love her, do not hurt her. people will only hurt the people's favorite, I hope you can understand, a feeling is really not easy, have to cherish her, once lost, too late for anything hh
1) question in mind:
If you are a virgin, I'll marry you. However, I'm sorry you're just a whore hh often pointing to a large plate of summer
Gull said: prostitute prostitute money, I did not say * What is the difference child and prostitutes.
but that they do not like shouting. because not analyzed.
summer 19-year gull, the gull is beautiful in summer. beautiful Summer gull girl was a prostitute, do not laugh so much, his face is always full of a pure. This is the big board and old friends that the reason summer gull like a virgin.
can be said to be a summer of work is not gull responsible for the prostitutes, specifically in the Jiaochuang she never really learn how.
female Yinjiao waves, sound earnest when high shear, passionate and touching. gulls in bed old Yaozhuo Chun Xia, death does not hold back the issue of any sound.
for the first time and summer gull **** she was 16 years old. when I'm into her, let her expression of pain in the **** I mistakenly thought I was a virgin, can not help but to pity her. fully into play when the bald ⑾ Orioles stretched governance Caryopteris suspect? her. just turned off the light.
I do not like to see her expression of pain, although she found loaded.
about severe pain, she whispered simply said:
br> Even in bed again after the summer gulls do not say a word. The few words for the summer gull, made me like a sex maniac obsessed with inflatable dolls.
I know I am not a rapist, summer gull know.
addition to the bed, I could never like a gentleman-like gulls in summer, monthly wages on time to, Butuobuqian. and she definitely has the power of her freedom and space, of course, when I needed her to appear.
Sometimes I feel like summer is really not a prostitute's gull feeding, or she just performed in front of me so bad, or the way she was trying to force her way she'll always be fitted jeans pure mm comb a ponytail. Although her beauty a woman can make her more charming.
gull sophomore summer. normal school day, night, back to my house.
friends have asked why I do not have to adopt a child serious a girlfriend a Miss When the mistress. Oh, I want to love me the girl was kept, it is not as good as the summer gull mm I say, I want money.
summer gulls on the first words I said, sleep? went before me, to me, and say.
be given when speaking at me.
country music.
ou should accompany a night per person, and some even began to touch her face or chest. summer gull intimidated, but did not go away, escape, still looking at me.
you? role.
> like to say a few words, but do not rise to that base when the exposure is not the pit eye, I know I try to be smart, that look calmly asked the teacher for help as a question in the general nature.
then I'll take her home, but she did not stay overnight, did that thing, give her 500 and sent her leave the.
I admit I told her to go that night, her eyes made me hang around pan from a trace of sadness, but still hard-hearted off the door, and his meditation: she was a prostitute, to appease the guilt a long time can not be calm.
a strange little whore. I smile to myself, what has this world , the case of the more mature faster.
but I never thought I would in two years, met her again and promised her adopt a child for two years, these two years my family lived when needed, each months to give her two thousand dollars.
(2) once again saw the gulls in summer, and in the summer after two years. had just broke up with his girlfriend, that woman can not afford the things I'll never give. such as time, such as marriage. breaking up was at a loss, I know it is caused by emptiness.
Akira driving blind in the city, Luanxiang. want to own, the surface of scenery, but a fact seen through a corner of the city's poor. and the most successful career in the youth, the poor have only money, and full stomach cynical reasons.
actually very hot summer of that year, I blew air conditioning to heat can not imagine the car window. when the car over the C major gates, I saw a gull in summer. When I recognized her, the little boy beside her parked car secretly.
I know why she is called summer gull, when she stood in the sun , braved the sunny bright red face, calm to the throngs, the cool touch of entirely or summer. Of course when I do not know her name.
hair is longer than before, and not how to face change, the body a bit ripe, are convex but still thin. I found my two eyes have been desired, and it has no intention to cast a glance at me, there is still charming as the potential of white.
This training was very good temperament prostitutes, at least she is doing can not see.
after about ten minutes, over a middle-aged man, stuff into a pile of money, left, and even did not say goodbye.
I get off toward her, recognize me: go inside.
not seen you so ugly so professional prostitute! will float all over the place.
How can it?
the money? standing in the sun, with gentle and white, dressed in jeans and shirts, natural like that, indeed a hope as old as she has her activities and ideas.
br> I brought a inflatable doll is not called, but in reality is just dumb to cook tea.
work every day to see a daze of summer gulls lying on the table, she quietly focus more on the desktop menu bowl, do not see what they thought, do not know no joy. I would propose loud: I'm back you will not even mention the shoes do not help me?
So she hurriedly went to my slippers.
summer gull is a Guainv Hai, said that short of food will go to salt; that people will give you Chuibei tired. is never quiet. She did not send this sound of the performance in bed, which I have been unable to tolerate disobedient is the only place where she was.
not make a sound, a look of numb. often made me almost want to work impotence
sometimes more, sitting at the computer brain of a mess, look at her to quiet down. I, she is always like a quiet bird-like by my side, I guess she was sitting around waiting for me and her on the TV, because every time I see her, she looked at me in silence. that quiet gaze from her beautiful eyes out, not mixed with any desire, the magic is that I will enjoy a landscape like like to calm down. Sometimes I mistakenly thought that a couple years of our marriage.
laughing gull in summer I have seen most often in her birthday that day.
night before I order one point at the computer files, summer gull wash the bowl to push a chair over next to me.
few days ago, bought her home a white dress, which I gave her the first gift, when she took this very common skirts to laugh, just sip a Minzui, but eyeful smile. and then she always wore, I feel like a pure white floated in the house, like cotton. looks more women than ever before.
I told her feminine potential.
when she wore that dress, from my distance just makes me smell the scent of a woman on her body, if it seems to be no. I found that I can not work seriously, and back to stare at her, had eyeful of blame, but then the eye on a pair of smiling.
laughing gull in summer, I I suddenly felt swarming with spring flowers in full bloom.
wroth nothing.
What does this mean? summer gull never speak so unclear.
I do not want the topic and then she went on, you will want to talk about a 20-year-old prostitute to marry you?
Then one woman looking forward to tell you that she had had, probably had this meaning. summer gull is a direct and practical woman.
The woman looked at this question, her eye is no crystal-like display of her missing child-like innocence.
not a work. can not give you a house ah ah, what a car, What you can not be far away is the commitment hh > I'm thinking, I can not guess what she attempts. She is my most can not understand a woman.
She is ready for a long time. I looked at preparedness , white shirt, tie, gold-rimmed, flat from the summer of luxury gull himself too hot to suit, spotless shoes mm very beautiful, lifting their hands full enough youth between the pouring.
us like a ride, like a pair of golden couple, for a time attracted attention bursts.
when I'm driving, eyes occasionally over the summer and gulls around, she is look out the window, did not say a word, the beauty of quiet reflection in my eyes. I started to hallucinate, and think this is what I want to take home the bride.
I wanted to sigh with frustration, but do not want to actually pour the meet.
opened about 30 minutes to.
original gull family is not poor summer, at least her mother is living in my garden district not on the parents. I forgot to look at the summer gull, gull even think this is called a prostitute incredible summer.
most ridiculous is that in the summer by a 16-floor doorbell gull moment, I actually failed to understand the sweat out of the body . is not never seen before girlfriends parents, lived to almost 30, and my analysis is not clear why this fake identity Huhuashizhe excited and nervous I.
the door opened.
back! Just let her mother see a lot of thin yo! baby last so you can take the keys? how to give you every Jiaoma open? Oh, baby all right in school? I stand at the door, open eyes open eyes looked at when the door opens summer gull flew hugs woman, while endlessly nagging, while helping hands of a woman referred to the package. Even in summer gulls nestled in her arms, only to laugh does not say, laughter is the kind I have never seen, with Jiaohan sweet, semi-pro female half-playfully, never tired of a lack.
baby gull the woman called the summer, she was just a normal mother, her daughter language in the arms of Nick.
I Yankuangshirun, and I am a bit weak, and the summer gull is a prostitute.
can not tell what it feels like, when you see a million people in honor of prostitutes, when in her family before the affectionate hh or the whole world, she was the only way for her mother.
summer that called for women baby gull, looks around 40, however, full of charm, but very pale, but also thin. now share more specific kind mother. I like a gull's eye full of summer will be inherited her mother, Mei. gull's eye in the summer but put a kind of naive people to relax, more powerful than her mother.
; summer gull That pull me. He Nianbin called. Summer gull, extremely accurate.
is sin.
have mercy.
ou should be a mouth prevaricate's.
side of fruit, tea and soft drinks and beer to take home and eat the hh can not wait to have moved out.
There smirk? not quick to NANHUA cut apples! really, so much the hh Oh, daughter big, grown up, finally hh hh tears to slide out from her eye.
summer gulls usually do not cry. I saw her cry a total of three times, this is the first and the second is her mother died, after the third word of that.
Summer gull tears shed down her pale cheeks, a bit slippery very fast. I forgot to scold her, transfixed do not know how to run.
when I do nothing, the better her mother came out, one saw her daughter crying, quickly asked the reason.
I mean, her mother's eyes down her little girls to look to my fingers.
was very embarrassing, strange summer gull too naive. himself, had transfixed do not know how to run.

I Kuanghan, I did not see her when I handed the apple.
was sent to the tone. turned to me, smiled and said: will her. you see her, vexatious, right? : , I leaning on her, let her wayward life. to the old, are still at me to make little patience. No tears dry on his face, may not really expected I would not talk like that, look surprised. But in the next second, moved to take the full.
believed her mother, murmured a few summer gull sentence, and went into the kitchen.
I looked at the summer gull, and she smiled at me, I really do not understand the more.
summer gull gently reminded me to help her mother cook. I said yes , and went. got up and said something quietly when the gulls in summer full of thank you sincerely.
Although the food is not really copied, but before the home side always turn around the real mother, often helping to fight along the way. So I basically live in the kitchen pretty familiar. Of course it was my mother was alive by now. < br> and how my mother would like the ah. I immediately thought of his mother to mother almost shouted a voice.
make do with what side dishes starting point of management. try not to do running around in circles. During the hearing she had read her house summer fishing gull stomach pain with his father before the prescription, saying that the next time to bring her.
moved her looking at me, it seems to tears. found her to seriously look at you, and summer gulls look very similar.
had never seen a man, who heard aunt's father referred to the summer gull
to emotion, feeling that this family does not like the surface look so beautiful.
meals are generally, but I ate 3 large bowl, happy face, ruddy summer gull run her mother's. he kept a direct tribute to my not taboo.
during accidental asked where I work, he tried to say that summer, then branch off into a gull, actually showed any urgency, to more meat! you have another point should we do to gain weight! working for foreign companies but also to be considered a gold collar-level class, before I show off these are, how urgent the summer gulls would not want me to say? Of course I did not need to show off in front of her mother what, I just want to say a good point , let the elders happy about, that his daughter did wrong person.
summer gull, but do not want me, I do not say anything.
summer supper gull say go, I can see her Mom is very sad, and only said the word Ou said, Mom you go back. She said,
. I'm also not much to ask, I do not want to pursue many of the things I do not know. I know it's not that necessary.
fast when the car into the city center, the summer gull suddenly turned around and told me to adjust.
head! back to just there!
but I know I would not like her because she was a prostitute. a prostitute for the job, I do not despise me no respect. but it is definitely not to be emotional.
(4) or the car back. to excuse their own: that she is too raw, pet her once. In fact, I did not get her way.
pulled into the parking lot to her house I walked in diameter, summer gulls stopped I.
behave like a school-age children.
I frowned up. a low voice said, .
answer surprised me: I want to eat cold shrimp.
expression of extreme discontent.
cold shrimp mm I remember correctly, then 1 dollar a bowl of cold shrimp.
I looked at her, the girl who always let me know what to do, standing in the early summer breeze , the smile is like a dandelion elegant, loose a piece.
hand, up and running fast.
my age of 29, I thought I'd be first love in the wind.
she ran the first step back from time to time the sound traversing this route, ; then looked at me Dengyuan eyes, wanton she would laugh. The first laughed so clueless. because the summer is not laughing gull before, even smile only touch of the mouth, eyes have always been very calm.
I am suddenly happy, either she gently took my hand, you can imagine the wind blowing her hair into my sense of smell after the floating range of taste, the warmth of young girls to make it look like summer when the sea gull's daughter.
child read fairy tales, the sea has 12 daughters, the youngest daughter of the most beautiful and kind.
run for a summer under the gulls stopped at a roadside stall. the whole a large beach umbrella, and a corner table, the top man says , the curious gulls looked at me and summer dress and eat cold shrimp mm.
I feel like a madman.
summer gull was happy, her boss yelled crisp, cold shrimp to 2 copies.
. , tall stand under her umbrella. do not know how put hands and feet.
very casual summer look for the gull Zhang stool to sit down, and I sat stiffly beside her.
boss, and got over the full two bowls of cold shrimp.
I do not want to eat some, drink some water to put out there.
summer gulls began to eat her mouthful, the speed is very frequent. for a bottom soon. And then even laugh and say.
a few days ago I could not imagine the summer gull in the bar are bright and beautiful. She is like the mountains of the Lady in the Water, without a trace modification of the ghosts with, any one of effortless movement is full of temptations.
She saw me looking at her, spit tongue, laugh: lovely voice.
not seen you for years. Yes, your mother all right? come here. grew up. Oh, > history! br> hh but I never ate a shrimp Zhang Shen's cool. I do not want to eat. just eat more. Gull in front of her and started to eat two three.
She must not take our money. years old, I remember I came back from school every day, must eat a bowl of cold shrimp. when his mother to take home the biggest bowl, where to buy, but still enough for me to eat na! I can not believe I am keeping and feeding her current mistress.
summer gull just a prostitute.
I gulls in the opposite direction to forget the summer of the past, only to find both sides of the square, about 5 meters in the middle of an aisle, but also with stone roads, a child in the nude Hutouhunao Look to the side, I see him, he ashamed, turned and ran away.
summer gulls eat the last bowl of very slow, the math seems to eat half an hour. I know this child lingers.
I ask her, why not read good books to do this line, do not know how to open.
hit, give me a surprise.
summer gulls to finish the sentence, and immediately looked up at the sky.
remember when I was little, cry to look at the sky, so the tears will not flow out.
My mother, she was diagnosed a year ago, cancer of the uterus. I do not cry when she has to comfort it. She will be very sad NANHUA hh hey what are you doing it! I will not cry, your eyes hide nothing! . naturally difficult to spit out.
calm, but with a slightly pathetic.
what I think and shoved hard to believe, looking at the summer gull, very sensitive you'll never guess. Yes, she is a prostitute, the mistress of all nurturing too, but, also my mother. just as you saw today, she smiled so beautiful and loving, to find a good partner for his daughter proud She called me baby hh intimate even though she was a prostitute. I swear, from small to large, self-knowledge of her career, I did a bit down on her. because she was for me to pay. Auntie really life and death do not accept money for summer gulls, although only 3 bowls, 5, corner to find two paying the money. She simple said ! here long before the demolition, and everyone dispersed to know where. summer gulls heard these, I thought she would say no cold after eating shrimp. Who would have thought she was surprised a moment, then said softly, the sky later without her the.
I think she has the piece of blue sky, a permanent blockade in heaven, pure heart. where no one farming, where ever there is no pollution, there never will be the demolition. I refuses to acknowledge, that day has also been tight locked in my heart.
after, I started kind of hard to explain the feelings of a prostitute.'d like a gull in summer, like life did not happen, keep face numbness, in addition to even pull the stomach for three days.
summer gulls to I'll often go to see her mother.
I think your biggest cute lady is never know what position he is. I have much time to accompany the mother of a prostitute then?
thought my heart and his face has such a performance out immediately.

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