Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Why kill the Jews, World War II, Hitler's Germany

 Fifty years ago, people in World War II massacre of why Hitler 6 million Jews were a lot of suspense in this historical research and analysis. Now Europe has been quite popular view is twofold: First, the The second is a [switched from Jagged Community]
against the other against their hegemony in the world as the national implementation of the extinction of the Jews as policy? little knowledge of history are aware, two accounting periods, including the peoples of Europe, including the German people, in order to attempt against Hitler and hegemony in the world the fascist atrocities, carried out a heroic and unyielding semi dispute. European countries peoples struggle against fascism, already constituted a serious obstacle to Hitler's rampage. But throughout Nazi who did not like the Jews of Europe as to treat the local people, that is, said that Hitler did not start to finish to take these local ethnic genocide and atrocities. People will ask, Hitler in order to achieve their evil purpose, and why only the Jews adopted this tragic violence, but to achieve the purpose of impeding other nations France lost the war and the occasion of a revenge-driven behavior of psychological compensation. This inference even more weakness. World War II historical facts show that Nazi Germany lost the war's true, it should be to February 2, 1943 Stalingrad ended Battle for the flag. Objectively speaking, Before the German offensive in the military has been in a situation, the leadership of Nazi Germany in the strategic thinking within the group even on a feeling of defeat Lien Chan do not exist. but France lost the war before the time , has long been the evil slaughter of Jews began in September .1939, World War II broke out shortly after Nazi Germany occupied Poland, the brutal murder of countless innocent and defenseless civilians, most of them Polish Jews .1941 on June 23, Field deliberate escalation of atrocities.
realistically speaking, whether it is bound. People in the study of human behavior or historical events, and explore the causes, often the first study of their motivation. As to why such and such motives have not produced such a motive is so not enough to explore. teleological entry behavior or historical events. If we can take this opportunity to in-depth study, not only tap into the real reason, there may even prove that their motives are exactly previously identified, so as to continuously enrich and improve their own views. practice tells us that human motivation to a large extent, the reason is not generating behavior, motivation to act just because the intermediary, the reasons are complex. any things, developing and disappearing, are the result of a variety of factors, both There is a deep background and practical reasons. human behavior, historical events have been true. has the purpose of human behavior, but this does not mean that purpose is necessarily constitute acts of reasons, most can only be right when the cause of a a factor, and even some cases their purpose is the act itself. to all of its content, because both are deep. Hitler killed more than 600 million Jews, its purpose is obvious, that is to destroy the Jewish nation, the words of reason , that is to answer why he extermination of the Jews.

from historical data on the second analysis, the atrocities of the Nazi persecution of the Jews in Germany has gone through three stages. The three stages of contact with each other but gradually upgrade. < br> The first phase: from 30 January 1933 Hitler came to power to the November 9, 1938 staged a deprivation of the civil rights of Jews, from the form of speaking, remain essentially a .
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1933 年 1 30, Hitler was elected German Chancellor, after which he began to act crazy persecution of the Jews, from the disaster to happen to Jews. Initially, Nazi Germany to take measures to suppress the Jews. mainly against the Jews as civil servants, judges, lawyers, doctors, etc.; not allow Jews to enter places of public entertainment; do not buy goods store to the Jews. This policy, limits the Jews in the economic, political, many other aspects of social life, the right to make the social status of German Jews reduced to The policy further upgrade. Hitler was announced that the new laws depriving Jews of citizenship, the Jews once again by all the rights and legal protection. Then, Nazi Germany under the new law, forced to these The second stage: from November 9, 1938's deprivation of human rights on the Jews as a human right to life, complete the form to the life of the Jews from the financial, from the scourge of the Spirit to all the preparations of meat, which keep into the , what is left is the final body from the flesh to destroy the Jews.
1938 年 11 9, after Hitler and Goebbels and others, orchestrated by the director of the Nazi leadership and encouraged the outbreak of the history called Church of the wildly beating, smashing, looting, burning, flagrant persecution and abuse of Jews. In the tragedy, according to statistics, 36 Jews were killed and 36 seriously injured, 267 churches were burned, more than 7,500 Jewish shops were destroyed the 3 million Jewish men, arrested at home, taken to Dachau, Buchenwald and Sachsenhausen concentration camps, later were killed or tortured to death. Zabo Li only an economic loss of up to 6 million marks to the giant. < br> After the farce of the first 3 days, more than satisfied that the Minister of the German powder convened by Goering, held a special meeting of the Jews, the Jews planned the deprivation of their due as human dignity and rights. forced the Jews to burn cleaned the church, and to make parking available for use in Germany; forced to wear an insult to every Jew the nature of the tag; forced the Jews to the Nazi persecution of compensation for one billion marks. Just as some historians have said: Then, according to its goal of making the measures taken by the Jews without any organization into a desperate life. action plan. following spring, the leadership group active in Nazi Germany planned the genocide of the Jewish people, the task to the crime by the SS Security Service and the secret police special operations teams perform.
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1943 年 6 23, the Soviet-German War broke out. World War into the most difficult years, while Hitler killed the Jews captive crime further. with the back of the attacking forces and special SS Action Team, the world's most brutal use of the most brutal means to destroy the Jews. The Jews are all victims in the case of no guard was killed. According to one senior officer called the SS Lai Siji, police command in central Russia officials later confirmed: national disaster could be so on their own without prevention. What kind of preparation did not, absolutely not. name, called them and ordered them to convene a local all Jews to register, registration in order to facilitate resettlement. Jewish residents knew nothing about the Nazi plan, often believed. placement makes the most of the Soviet Jews did not realize that death is imminent, without taking any precautions, wait to die. in the entire European Theater, a captive of the Jews of the Holocaust to kill fully opened.
third stage: Since January 20, 1942, the infamous is a completely brutal, shocking murder, the real is ultimately extermination of the Jews.
1942 年 1 2 March, the head of the Nazi secret police under the auspices of Heydrich, including Gestapo chief Mueller was convened, including 14 senior official of the Mong Lake (also translated million lake) next to a villa in a meeting of Holocaust layout plan large-scale systems, the Conference adopted the ; the methods, namely, the Jews poisoned or tortured to death, and second, torture, death, in a word is the final elimination.
Jews were responsible for the arrest and elimination of an SS commando long Eichmann in August 1944 confirmed a conversation, when the number of people died in extermination camps more than 400 million, is the number of other ways to kill 200 million. With the exception of a few anti-fascist people of other nationalities, the vast majority of Jews.
trace the history is to describe the problem. The facts show that: ① Hitler's dictatorship in 12 years time, he implemented a series of anti-Semitic policies eliminate Utah, are aimed at depriving the Jews the right to survival and development until the physically destroy them. all of these, only the form and extent of differences, rather than substantive differences exist. When a person is deprived of as the survival of human rights, to physically eliminate only a matter of time. So can be said that Hitler's murderous anti-Semitism through its gradual destruction still among the three stages of escalation. If you insist on the distinction between, then, can be described as the first stage of the preparations made for the Murder; second stage is to expose Murder; the third phase should be characterized as full implementation of the beholder. Hitler, Jews can only be seen as Open this Murder. this can not be his mercy. deep in the inside of this historical mystery Hitler create specific logic, and this was our opportunity to unravel the history of unsolved crimes.
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Hitler was an extreme racist and anti-Semitic. In his the root of all evil things, the root cause of all evil, destroyer of the order of human life. These ideas became Hitler was killing millions of Jews in an attempt to theoretical basis for the extermination of Jews. The reason generally be from the perspective of the following four areas: < br> 1, history and reason. in history, the Europeans held stereotypes of Jews. In order to clarify the problem, it is necessary to the history of the Jewish people to make a simple review of the organ. Jewish ancestor is the ancient Semitic offshoot of Heber Lay people, BC, their ancestors had inhabited by Mahler's life in the Arab land of Palestine. 1st century AD, the Roman Empire after the capture in Pakistan, the Jews held a number of large-scale uprising against the Roman occupiers, but they were the Roman rule who the bloody crackdown. to the Jewish uprising in AD 135 and then the tragic failure of justice so far, the 1 time in more than a century, the Roman rulers massacred millions of Jews, and finally were all out of more than Mahler also Stein land, so that They dispersed to Western Europe completely backward small-scale production of agricultural and pastoral society, land was seen as the most precious asset is the people despise the commercial industry. Jews fled to Western Europe, the local feudal lords were very discriminate against them, not allow them to share land, can only operate their business. I do not know the history of education of their fault, or temper their life and death, suffering, or the history that has always been given the opportunity, in short, all posed by the history of this collection, created the Jewish character so that they wise up and be strong. They not only thrive tenaciously difficult, but gradually wealthy.
the 13th to the 15th century, Europe began to enter the capitalist society, the emerging bourgeoisie with those of local business to get rich emerging Jewish capitalists, resulting in conflicts of interest, bad luck once again come to the Jews in the head. the reality of conflict of interest with different religious beliefs, large numbers of Jews were forced to flow to countries in Eastern Europe and the Americas, began a history of the Jews II time to flee. Unfortunately, this awareness against the Jews, actually evolved into a cultural precipitation, in some countries and regions have been the growing anti-Semitism, Hitler and his followers is one of the typical.
2, Religion .*** most widely circulated on the world, the largest number of religious believers. In Europe, especially Western Europe, it is generally faith in Christ Jesus. Although the *** of the classic one to 30 pieces of silver Judas betrayed the Son of God, the Jews crucified Jesus, which resulted in the Christians in their emotional hatred of Jews. So the Europeans believe in the religious feelings *** is difficult to accept Jews. The religious feelings of socialization, they gradually derived dislike the Jews into a popular social mentality. Again, this social attitude is also as a cultural deposition. generation the years passed, and gradually combined with the socio-economic and political, making it a can be used at any time of the potential social and political forces. When such a potential thing (s) the use of political careerists, they will like the volcano the same eruption, become a driving force of social madness.
should be noted that, when the German and Austrian peoples within nationalism prevailed, the original religious sentiment intensified conflict of interest in the real world, the people already Some anti-Semitism is more intense, thus exacerbating the hatred of Jews. In this social atmosphere under the influence of Hitler's On the one hand, when the German and Austrian anti-Semitic ethnic hatred of Jews has greatly stimulated the social mood of his political ambitions, to nationalist ideology inflated, still anti-Semitic hatred for its future policies and measures to eliminate still creating social value orientation, foster political power.
3, real needs. The late 20th century, early 30s, broke the world economic crisis hit Germany, its industrial production back to the level of the last century, strength gradually decline. deep economic crisis not only intensified the domestic class conflict, and stimulate the ambitions of foreign monopoly capital. endorsement and support of the monopoly bourgeoisie. However, the implementation of a German national criminal plans of Imperial Germany to provide financial guarantees required huge amounts of money. In the case of national decline, reach out to wealthy Jews become their only natural.
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In addition, Jews living in Europe, compared to other nation, it is not only rich, but also higher quality. In the face of such a nation, Hitler and his gang members who are both hatred, and felt afraid. in their hearts, the Jews of this special social group, is that they achieve German social and political life in a completely crazy extreme symptoms in order that Hitler's hatred of Jewish anti-Semitic views not only have a proper social environment, and to quickly go wild,.
4, violent morbid psychology. Hitler Austria, the illegitimate son of a minor official customs, the lack of a good education from childhood, his youth in Vienna and Munich all day wandering the streets, he cast both selfish and arrogant personality. hours, as he later recalled, a head teacher put it : It can be seen, violent character is typical of Hitler. For example, one day in 1942, Nazi German armed forces surgeon Bazar. Boluo He was ordered to an audience with Hitler, Hitler's dog to pounce on the doctor, scared him wits, doctors were forced to speak it softly-spoken, and soon it calmly lying on the physician side, the front legs resting on his knees, MD, gentle eyes looked at him and laugh with him. Hitler Seeing fly into a rage: something like this, have occurred, such as the violent hate, but also created his vicious and cruel, Hitler was a madman with severe morbid psychology of the political.
the four major reasons, if seen in isolation any one of the reasons very difficult to form the extinction of the vendetta against the Jews. Only four reasons for this blending together, the only certainty that the Jewish people have doomed the social effects, and Hitler are four main reasons why this cleverly combined ringleader.
First of all, the name of the Nazi Party was popular in Germany, two signs of nationalism and socialism, to promote the German nation is good people, the Jewish people as inferior races. In order to confuse people, deceive the general public in Germany, Hitler of this racial theory from two aspects of the packaging carefully. First, according to his own social logic, previous removal of fear out of context some discussion of population issues in the words, put together into a theory of racial superiority, for the manufacture of the Jews into the theoretical basis for inferior races. Second is the use of long rooted in the hearts of German and Austrian anti-Semitic consciousness and religious complex, vigorously advocating grafting, took office, he was able to smooth implementation of the anti-Semitic persecution of the Jews set off wild Jewish policy, no doubt due to his theory of the absurd. Second, the Nazis also hated by the masses in Germany at the Treaty of Versailles of the psychological, inciting revenge sentiments, and to transfer such sentiments to the Jews.
four reasons for this, the real need is the most direct factor, the other two reasons are also very important factor, if not historical reasons and religious The complex as a precursor condition, then even if the reality longer need, it is difficult to imagine the extent of such a crazy and cruel. Only when these four reasons together as a whole only when it produced a terrible bloody disgusting driving force.
any historical event is the role of various social factors the product of force, or is created by current events. World War II, six million Jews were killed, Hitler was undoubtedly the culprit. Hitler's racial hatred of the Jews and the unique political grudges, the morbid psychology of a political madman special reflection. lead to serious morbid psychology of Hitler's serious morbid psychology of Hitler and the German social and political life of the crazy sick are complementary. the one hand, it is crazy morbid history of prejudice, religious complex and the practical needs of the three major causes of adhesive; the other hand, these three reasons polymerization crazy sick mind of Hitler again pushed the extreme That sparked the great tragedies of human history.
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the end of World War II Victory has a full half a century. People in the analysis Jews suffered extinction of this great tragedy, it should draw the following lessons: ① rivalry between nations should be absolutely closed. lenient examination of the past, forthright manner to meet the future, the ancestors of the scores, and future generations should not have. ② religion must and political separation. Religion must not interfere with political life, political life is not to use religious sentiment. testimonies of religious activities should be placed under restriction, so that religion became a private matter of religious people. ③ national life must be democratic, legal, construction from any form of arbitrary and dictatorial against the political operation mechanism, so that the public interest in national affairs, and without fanaticism and blind obedience.
permanent peace, harmony and equality for all peoples to live in the same blue sky.
This is about World War II, one of the most intractable problems, all the answers to all the people can not completely convinced. Many people do not want to get to the bottom, to Austria to Hitler is the devil saboteurs. He said: Community]
Thus, 30 January 1933 Hitler came to power after the disaster, the Jews began hh
So far, about the rise of the Nazis and the Holocaust are several reasons to explain the occurrence. First, that Hitler National Socialist ideology is mainly directed against the Russian Bolsheviks. Nolte that the violent eradication of the Russian October Revolution the bourgeois upper class action so that fear of Germany, and also because many of its leaders were Jewish, and therefore inspire Germany wave of anti-Bolshevik and anti-Semitism, and finally led to the massacre. He also believed that the Bolshevik revolution of violence while the Nazi's a great debate. Second, the French historian Francois. Firemens represented that National Socialism is nothing more than an anti-communist movement, both are opposed to the European liberal tradition. Third is a few years ago because of a . Germany from Martin. Luther's religious reform, there has been anti-Semitic tradition, but Hitler pushed to the extreme. In short, he believes that anti-Semitism is a different views have made a one-sided, simplistic analysis of problems in isolation of the disease, so conclusions can not be convincing. such as anti-Semitic, although there has always been in Europe, but in the early 20th century the situation of German Jews the best. contemporary France appeared targeted by anti-Semitic Dreyfus case of the scandal, the Czar of Russia under the rule of frequent occurrence of massacres against Jews, Goldhagen thesis that is clearly untenable. And according to Nolte's argument that Hitler should be the maintenance of old system, trumpeter, but in fact Hitler did not want to restore the feudal system in Germany.
addition to the several one-sided view, but also a tendency worth noting is that many scholars to the Holocaust as a process of development of European civilization The one exception, no or do not want to seriously look for from the root of European culture itself. Hannah. Arendt of the few from here to study and reflect on the Holocaust scholar, she pointed out that the Holocaust and European imperialism , inheritance of colonial tradition.
the root causes of the massacre was very thorough explanation is Enzo. 特拉维尔索. who was born in Italy in 1957, and now France and Asia eye Jules. Where Seoul Carolina University professor of political science and contemporary history scholars, in his new book, Hitler does not have any unique development, and his National Socialist ideology in the various theories, such as anti-Semitic, put them together and just to the extreme.
Hitler's extermination of all Jews to be on it, and he was looked down upon by the Jews on this more and the whole history of Europe in the early 20th century, Germany was on the political and economic humiliation , whereas the wealthy German Jews living in Germany on the verge of bankruptcy when the economic situation, indifferent, there is no concern, but also for their own seeds of the next planting the seeds of war.
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planted the seeds
unique lifestyle in a book on the economics of such a photo, the German mark after the severe devaluation of the First World War, a German hand-pulled two-wheelers carrying several packages with gunny bags filled with the Mark This mark can only buy a loaf of bread a lot, when in 1928, Mark against the U.S. dollar against the $ 1 from forty-five marks, depreciation to 1 against the $ 1 trillion mark, this experience has hurt the pride of Germany.
to Judaism Jews down from generation to generation, so that other people have not been assimilated Jews, Jews as a concept, even if living in other countries, living in other countries, the Jews did not forget that for centuries Jews have always wanted the country, earn money are retained.
struggle for their national
in France, Germany, Poland and other European countries, Jews live, although living in someone else's country, but have their own beliefs, have their own residential area, with its own leader , did not forget to tell your country of residence ZF, in their passports to be printed on a J word, to show his identity, the J word but also to many Jews escape the Nazis seized a large card.
Jewish way of life has long been unique, and has been fighting for their own national objectives, the complexity and hardship of World War II political and economic environment, bring their own murderous indeed.
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in War World for the first time in 1918, the Jews make big money, resulting in the Jewish businessman, a monopoly in Europe's economic lifeline, including large enterprises, banks are Jews in business, 80% of the basic industries monopolized by the Jews, both also made a monopoly contribution, which led to resentment against the Jews of other nationalities, such as milk in short supply, the Jews would rather fall in the sea and do not undercut the sale.
1929 Great Depression years of the world economy, the global economy is under attack, Germany is the country affected and suffer the First World War under the Treaty of Versailles unequal treatment, when the Jews in Germany is a group of wealthy, but do not want to come up with money to finance the Germans, when high inflation, severe depreciation of the deutsche mark, the Jews are not thought to be more re-allocate the money to help the German economy.
Hitler youth itself looked down upon the Jews suffered when he was an early dislike of Jews.
the source of the economic crisis.
Jewish monopoly of the economy until the 20's beginning, the Europeans have to hate the Jews, but the impact of world recession in 1929 in Europe, Europeans find the source of the economic crisis is the Jews, hatred of Jews slowly warming.
anti-Semitism has deep historical reasons < br> [transferred from Jagged community]
in Western culture, from ancient times there was a mood of anti-Semitism, Jews were said to be: who betrayed Jesus, speculators, unclean people. Jews are distributed in West Asia Palestinian areas of the nomads, formerly an ancient Semitic, had established the Kingdom of ancient Israel and the Jewish State, then destroyed by the Roman Empire. As unwilling to be enslaved, hundreds of thousands of people have been killed, the remaining population was forced to leave their homes , moved from scattered all over the world.
in the Middle Ages in Western Europe, the land was seen as the most precious wealth, business is the people despise the industry. the Jews do not own the country and land, around migration, can only rely on business to maintain livelihoods. They moved to Western Europe, the discrimination by local feudal lords.
evolved into the religious feelings of Jews in Western Europe in general attitude was hostile
religious reasons as well .*** classic Christians in revenge caused emotional ...

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