Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Stressed the limitations of the performance of fusion of history

 Every time I see the so-called ICT for a variety of technical development trend, almost all can see, the , as ICT industry, China, the worst in human history, period. In fact, people long river of history has proven that every person living there are of course different historical period, but not very significant difference.
fact integration everywhere, not only in the ICT industry in different political systems / economic development mode of mutual learning and integration; fusion ever, not only outside this age, almost any major technological inventions is the crystallization of integration of different disciplines, major areas of technology that is different with each other the results after penetration.
our current program-controlled telephone network, not that computer technology into the traditional voice communications, the integration of it? early telegraphy, which appears early chemical techniques and early electrical technology integration. h
continue to cliché, as extended knowledge, research, and who is integration, how to integrate.

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