Sunday, February 27, 2011


in the vast sea, the wind, dark clouds gathered. In the clouds and the sea, like a black lightning Swallow proud to fly.
Moment, wings closed on the waves, while, arrows into the sky in general It shouted brave ...... in this bird cry, the dark clouds of joy to hear.
called cry in years, filled with the desire of the storm! in called cry, the dark cloud was the the power of anger, passion of the flame and the confidence of victory.
before the arrival of seagulls in the storm moaned, groaned ---, feicuan over the sea, trying their fear of storms, hidden deep in the sea. < br> Sea ducks are moaning, these foolish sea duck --- Yes, not living to enjoy the joy of the battle, put them rumbling of thunder frightened.
stupid penguin, flinching to obesity hiding under the body ... only that in Qiaoya petrel proud, brave, free, in the foam on the sea turned up to fly.
clouds getting dark, getting lower and lower, straight to the sea come down; waves while singing, while the thunder rushed to meet the high altitude.
roaring thunder. waves in droplets of angry calls, contending with the wind. See, the wind picked up the layers of waves closely and evil drawing baleful flung them on the cliffs, emerald broke into chunks and dust and very fine.
Haiyan shouted, flying, like a black lightning, an arrow pass through the clouds, waves swept wings droplets.
see, it was like a dancing elf --- proud, black storm of the spirit, laughing --- it while it is called ... it laugh while those high clouds, it was fun and the high call!
this sensitive spirit, from the wrath of thunder heard you out there tired, it is convinced that the clouds can not hide the sun ,---- yes, not cover the!
crazy wind rolling thunder roar ... ...
piles of clouds, like blue flame, without burning the bottom of the sea. the sea to seize the lightning arrow light, put it out in their own abyss. lightning shadow, like a section of the flame, floating in the ocean winds, flash is gone .----
storm! storm is coming!
petrel is brave, lightning, between roar of the sea proud to fly. This is the prophet of victory in the cry:
---- to be stronger the storm, some of it!
This article is reproduced from the more English language training in Zhuhai Zhuhai

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