Thursday, March 3, 2011

Chen Tao Tribute to Heroes

 Already late at night, in my article to share in the reading heroes, I get goosebumps and difficult to sleep. He is indeed a model for the group of intellectuals.
In today's system, such a battle as much as fighting on the battlefield, Every fight on the battlefield can be a few seconds, minutes, a few hours see the outcome, and Chen Tao hero fighting continued more than five years, five years revealed that the risk of five years, five years of anger, five years torture, five years in China. people to middle age he still has a few years ah.
a provincial health official corruption, the Office of the dark enough to reflect the level of the whole society, this is only tens of thousands of cases of crime a small piece, if you want to expose corruption in most major and how many warriors such as Chen Tao?
Seventeen years ago, I as a journalist, and Law in the bastard team conducted seven years of intense fighting, I have piercing cry, desperate battle, after risk. Later, I units with their own top leaders, the main hall, a sinister bad grade officials began fighting, the battle continued for a decade, most in combat intense in 2004, I was inexplicably removed from operational status, forced into trade unions, intended to deprive me of the speech platform.
then, no one in the investigation to the higher number reflects the difficulties, I write real name online more than sixty thousand words of comment and expose the article to the official play suppressed in disgrace. My blog entries have been many articles first half of the record.
thousands of units in our cadres and workers, on Thousands of intellectuals, there are hundreds of people behind the BS-ing. However, a few years I was the only one alone, I realized that without good health, without a strong will, faith is not sustained, not get rid of all selfishness mentality, the average person is not possible for such a protracted war.
In this, I saw one in Shanxi and distant comrades like me, hold ground, he hit the big battle for the country, I played for a decade the provincial party newspaper battles. I salute to the heroic comrades. The paper reproduced in this
I Shanxi cadres CDC, 1997 to 2005 as the Information Center Director, Member of the CPC, the provincial model worker, deputy director of the technician. completed a number of health information technology, scientific research, is the vaccination of information management to open up, was the health system recognized infectious diseases, immunization information statistics, analysis of business technology backbone, the acute shortage of computer software development engineer. who made many achievements .2007 Johnson completed my research topic is to fill the gaps in Shanxi Province.
Today, I introduce are: our struggle against corrupt officials in Shanxi after the vaccine.
a strange
personnel arrangements in July 2005 I had a strange encounter. unit chiefs Li Wenyuan, very seriously informed me, after organization decided that you want to leave their posts, transferred to the Logistics Division in the chores of property management work, the specific tasks are long-term rest, wages, bonus point, no less.
I Officers questioned the chestnut: What mistake I have?
Li Director said: Your work is very prominent, and there is no mistake, there is a central transfer you to the decision of party, not my personal opinion, as a party member to believe in organization, the party called Gansha just do what you order as soon as possible, has arranged a new director of, you have to do the handover.
time, my colleagues and even health unit of the Office of the many leadership have questions about how can business, technology, break the backbone of the logistical arrangements for it?
be organized so I arranged to rest. the province's software companies are very concerned about me the rest, they are paid to hire out a price, both was I declined. I do not want to give up health information professional, now have the time, was going to use it as a topic, the use of information means control of hospital infection in patients with the development, research, and soon I was being quiet on this subject.
developed until after the 2007 issue, I understand the reasons for a rest. This is because the Health Department Deputy Director Li Shukai of Shanxi Province, Shanxi Province, Center for Disease Control and Prevention Director, Wenyuan Li, plans a big deal, I is a stumbling block, (hereinafter referred to as , let the people get more benefits.
Lishu Kai, Li Wenyuan, two very good eyesight led them from the officials and businessmen with an opportunity.
Second, two types of vaccines on a large difference to the retail, retail sales ex-factory price of 10 yuan to 50 yuan up to 30.
again, spending a large amount of people a strong sense of disease prevention, health administrative departments have the right to release the vaccine recommendations disease information, issued a social message can win a lot of money.
They know that I am proficient in the epidemic analysis, well-known immunization knowledge, work in health information jobs, love study, and principles, if they operate the business opportunities, by my discussion, see through the consequences would be disastrous.
they also know that I would never in cahoots with them.
I became the first implementation of vaccine-corruption plan a stumbling block. Let me, identity, deceiving their superiors and comrades, said, > On the other hand, choose the time of the Beijing Hua Wei Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Co., Ltd. (registered capital of 50 million private companies, hereinafter referred to as Beijing Hua Wei), packing into the Ministry of Health subordinate enterprises. Soon Lee, Li, Tian began to seek the issue , planning how to swallowed the vaccine market in Shanxi.
they encountered problem is that CDC supply, distribution, two types of vaccine are fiscal budget revenue and expenditure must, Beijing Hua Wei account without money. < br> The solution is, in December 2005, dispense with the current Chief of Finance, to senior accountant in the non-financial work. tone came as finance chief of a general accounting.
money to start between officials and businessmen operating
December 28, 2005, Li Wenyuan, issued to the various documents and notices around the province set up a distribution center of biological products, Beijing Huawei Company responsible for the commission to give the right to be two types of vaccine distribution and the supply and management. to pay 3.8 million yuan, the first quarterly payment, the risk of another 50 million to pay mortgage payments. However, in January 2006 ~ September 2007, there has never been released to the center cost of employees were turned over to the situation.
Li Shukai Vice , Li Wen-yuan to the authority of the identity of experts and leaders, led the CDC to municipalities explain how to properly carry out publicity in Shanxi Province higher intention to meet in order to carry out the the end of 2006, I reported to the Li Wenyuan, year and a half without a break, join the cause of the development of health and disease prevention, decision, there is no arrangement for you. I ask, when to come back. Li said that after 3 to 5 years now.
I highly doubt produced a chestnut, the leadership deal with the problem very strange?
by understanding There are many changes in our center, only Beijing Hua Wei operating distribution centers make me understand things.
SFDA document clearly that under the and role of the CDC supply, distribution without the need to receive two types of vaccine, and separate nonprofit, the center actually had a company to operate public health agencies, the use of monopoly power in Shanxi vaccine market. I have been there in front of a live vaccine major corruption cases.
leading packaging from small companies
Since 2006, Li Shukai deputy director, Li Wen-yuan, director of the General Assembly, the small will, documents and guidance on the grass-roots work, vigorously promoting the Beijing Hua Wei is the Ministry of Health company, is specialized engaged in the Ministry of Health vaccine company. General Manager Tian Jianguo Director, Ministry of Health also sent a manner, holding one side is general manager of the Ministry of Health, one side is the provincial director of the Center's business card distribution, distributed everywhere in the health sector that have backing, you can override the rules and regulations above. < br> After I understand it, the Ministry of Health did not subordinate enterprises, Beijing Huawei Company is a 50 million injection of private companies, neither money nor equipment.
Lishu Kai, Li Wen-yuan of funds to solve the problem of shell companies, Shanxi Province to carry out aimed at the CDC's vaccine supply to survive in the work of state debt financing million or .2006 6 January, the provincial disease control of biological products distribution center issued a Hua Wei account. Since then became Hua Wei million or principal business.
sale tags profiteer
Li Wenyuan, in violation of State Food and Drug Administration, Ministry of Health regulations, unauthorized use of public signs, making the CDC Special marked with the words l r Shanxi specific vaccines, no unit or individual is prohibited from non-formal channels Goumiao vaccination, if it is found severely punished.
two types of vaccines entering the market in Shanxi Hua Wei must be labeled, like an ; cards, forced to bribe vaccine production and wholesale enterprises. Suoqu a label affixed to ex-factory price of 15 ~ 30% of the rebate. one year, may request a thousand million profit.

I signed report was shelved in 2007 May 25 People's Procuratorate to the Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province signed Discipline Inspection Commission, delivered a report.
Taiyuan City People's Procuratorate on criminal investigation in August 2007 Li Wen-yuan. But in early September 2007, to the prosecutor, Deputy Director Li Shukai out, according to a report, saying: On the provincial CDC legal cooperation with Beijing Huawei Company. Procuratorate filing this report the investigation result in deadlock.
but my hands have a lot of evidence, no service report was shelved. In particular, is August 2006, they profit by the epidemic encephalitis B in Yuncheng City things .2006 Aug. 11 Li Shukai Health Department issued a document, because the epidemic encephalitis B in Yuncheng City, called on all localities to actively carry out emergency vaccination JE vaccine.
all know that mosquito-borne disease control workers JE vaccine is the best inoculation of 1 month before the epidemic season, 3-5 months each year more appropriate vaccination. If people start in mid-August JE vaccination, 9 months to engage in finished, the production of antibodies in October, when mosquitoes, how many? Waste of money, people will.
the Health Department documents show that JE cases were reported in 69, only 44 in Yuncheng City, only an average of more than 10 million people 1 JE cases, the other 10 municipalities a total of only 25, an average of more than 100 million people have a JE cases. This trend of JE epidemic, how to mobilize the people of JE vaccination in Shanxi.
this time emergency vaccination, JE vaccine consumption in Yuncheng District 200 ~ 300 million doses, the province's total consumption of 500 to 600 million copies. encephalitis B vaccine by Beijing Hua Wei monopoly on supply, the purchase price to the manufacturers to 9 yuan / person were, in Consumer prices in Shanxi Province was 28 yuan / person copies, the total spending of the people in Shanxi Province in about 1.5 billion, the estimated million or Beijing Hua Wei profit. because it caused social panic, causing incalculable social and economic losses.
the power of public opinion was
deceive the people by the nature of the epidemic extreme, I decided to not let them, to fulfill the duty of health workers, the media news tips, Li, Li to public opinion, the people, let the experts open a sub-sub-Shanxi vaccine is not a serious problem of corruption.
2007 年 9 月 14 日 Shanxi Economic Daily published a vaccine supply and management responsibilities in Shanxi Province, Shanxi Province, once the advent of the epidemic, how to deal with?
2007 年 9 27 Apr onwards now, series of more than 20 articles, exposes, to denounce Li Shukai, Li Wen-yuan, Tian Jianguo and others illegal, and discipline.
corrupt officials, students trick
. Lishu Kai also made deputy director of rapid response, in his arrangement, the Health Department set up a survey group of Shanxi vaccines. and take a strategic response.
first step is to pull the banner. China announced in Shanxi the provincial government, provincial Ji Jianwei attach great importance to the investigation task force sent.
second step is to deal with informants .2007 September 30, the panel talked with me a long, very firm attitude that the spirit of the people of Shanxi health and responsible attitude, give me a satisfactory result, I hope I actively provide clues to help support the investigation.
task force leaders said the party secretary is sent specifically to me and provide clues to people, insider talk. He told me to report corruption in high praise of Shanxi vaccine, the vaccine together to denounce corruption in Shanxi, really moved and excited us.
Provincial Discipline Inspection Commission in the investigation of the news spread, everyone rejoiced. group is Li Shukai organize their own investigation team investigation, Li Shukai even in front of referee in the background.
online access to new evidence
supplementary material written report verified immediately write a new article, it can be said an average of 5 days will be issued, Li Shukai, Li Wen-yuan of the vaccine continue to be exposed corruption and misdeeds.
1, transfer of state budget income. Beijing Hua Wei Tian Jianguo, general manager of distribution centers as the director of wantonly violating financial regulations, the state financial budget revenues transferred to the Beijing Hua Wei account.
2, distorting the Ministry of Health document on 28 January .2006 Measles outbreak under the Ministry of Health issued a document called on all localities to do a class of leak of measles vaccine catch-work. measles vaccine is free of a vaccine, to be issued here, Deputy Director Li Shukai file is inoculated charges or MMR combined leprosy vaccine. Wenyuan Li here to print a Vaccine .2006 and March 2007, Li Shukai Health Department issued two documents, for the people in Shanxi, selling high-priced JE vaccine. documentation requirements, the slogan affixed to construction sites and other migrant workers, migrant workers gather in areas.
For your child's health, give your child a new encephalitis B vaccine inoculation;
new encephalitis B vaccine inoculation is the healthy growth of your child the best investment;
the best choice for prevention of JE is a new type of encephalitis B vaccine inoculation.
slogan of the new JE vaccine, JE vaccine is refining, retail and 28 yuan / person copies, to be avoided is the general price of JE vaccine (retail 3 yuan / person). < br> They would rather migrant workers, migrant workers, covered with sweat base money into the pockets, do not want more of a general price of JE vaccine into the market.
4, received high-end cars private companies.
Beijing Huawei Company for Li Wenyuan, equipped with Honda's high-end cars (Grade: Beijing, JD7033).
5, the private company has a donation to the car.
2000, Japan International Cooperation Agency through donations to the CDC in Shanxi Province a Mitsubishi off-road jeep, used in public welfare. Lishu Kai, deputy director of health department has > strong pressure of public opinion, then turn off the Beijing Distribution Center Huawei Company quietly slipped the door, Shanxi vaccine corrupt officials sit still, in late October 2007 Health Department held a 厅直属单位 Assembly leadership, discipline Leader stresses Table.
2007 年 11 23, they found the right person, using the threat of Internet service providers blocked the way, everywhere string office, declared that to come back, continue to manage the supply of the vaccine in our province.
2007 年 12 月 3 日 China Youth Daily published a article. Shanxi vaccine exposes corruption, in particular that appeared under the monopoly of power, Beijing Hua Wei JE vaccine with a label can not buy 28 yuan, prosperous company with no label can not sell 16 per team. have drawn strong reaction from the media, hundreds of newspapers, thousands of web site and comments were reproduced, there has been an unprecedented public health system we have storms. Octavo very fierce struggle.
corrupt officials not willing to fail, the use of economic instruments to find the relevant officials, removed the China Youth Daily article on the site. a department of the Ministry of Health has written to the Central Communist Youth League, the persecution of journalists Liu Wanyong .
2007 年 12 mid-seventh seminar on the new century, news media, the China Youth Daily reporter Liu Wanyong vaccine corruption cases in Shanxi, but also set off a denounce, denounced the upsurge of corruption in Shanxi vaccine.
the oversight of network .
Li Shukai: mm of themselves is their own athletes, but also a referee
2008 年 1 7, the Health Department to convene the leaders of subordinate units, to open a communications session. of the results with Li Shukai with nothing to do with names are not mentioned. of the results of the Health Department cited sold 3.8 million CDC vaccine supply and management of Shanxi, said to be consistent with provinces, so that the masses income sign houses, tenants receive the vaccine management practices, said to meet the requirements;
Beijing Huawei Company authorized management to province's decision to appoint the boss's decision as a distribution center director, said to not violate the provisions of Personnel Management .
briefing to an end, comrades of the health system in our province, vaccine production and wholesale business operators and the majority of Internet users have quickly learned. said the Health Department investigation team concluded that the recognition of Li Wenyuan Li Shukai, Tian Jianguo.
investigation team back informer people laugh
2008 年 1 8, the provincial health department investigation team to meet with me.
I asked, the results of the inscription is the Provincial Health Department discipline group? investigation team leader said, this is the provincial health department investigation team.
I asked: illegal, and so on why not investigate? investigation team leader, said the Health Department out of the report that you have reported problems are legitimate, only Li opened the company's cars have some issues, finance some confusion.
I asked, public health Office of the income of 2 billion transferred to the Beijing Huawei Company, the company reaped illegal profits will not be a problem? Is not recover these funds come? investigation team leader did not directly answer that can be reported.
I asked , Health Department report is based on what? investigation team leader, said: Ministry of Health, an expert.
I asked, if left text and signature? investigation team leader, said: superior oral reply should be lower, this is my provisions of the Party organization.
Finally, I raised my personal opinion, Shanxi Provincial Health Department's , the report should be null and void. If not corrected, will cause health disorder, public services deteriorate. Health Department official documents in support of the shell state financial budget transfer of Huawei Company revenues more than 2 million of illegal profits Near billion, the company should immediately freeze the account.
2008   1 9, Shanxi Youth Daily published a .
interests of the people is a major event, people's health in the interests of big events. vaccination is to protect people's health and safety of an important tool. Health Department report on the red head and the problem of corruption to cover up the vaccine, it goes on, there will be Ten hundred speculators, bought the right to hold public office of public harm people pit the country, there will be more engaged in public administration the right to rent-seeking. hope that teachers, experts and friends to support us, for the people of the health benefits, common to denounce Shanxi vaccine corruption. 

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