Tuesday, May 10, 2011

We should all be happy life

long time no contact friends, today received your message, thought would be good news , did not think it is unwilling to hear the news article , I hope Your decision is well thought over this , do not rush the decision to go one thing. In campus life is simple , I remember you at school selfless good to me, out of school was working in Shenzhen , you'll still all the way to write or send something to me, remember that you are afraid of me Not used to things in Shenzhen , but also deliberately sent the things I usually like to eat me , until now I did not forget , because it was really very moved. This year is the first of a foot injury you go to see my people , because there are some friends like you care, there always will be grateful heart . My friends often joke around that my margin of Yixing Yuan even better than sex , perhaps because the relationship between good humor , life appeared to me so many good friends , in fact, may become friends think are the happier pieces Thing , after all, only one person's life partner . There is human greed , may have also pretty good life but still want a better life overall . As you said sometimes the reality does not own imagination so beautiful, but we are willing to go to achieve a better life is enough. No matter what the outcome , I believe you will be happy, because you are a good person. Ha ha

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