Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Being a man is making life difficult

 Man is very hard in this life :
find a beautiful woman now , too worry about , to find it is not pretty , and can not be reconciled ;
patronize the business , and people say you do not have a sense of responsibility , to patronize home , They said you can not hack it ;
special little bar , people say you immature ; efforts to reach the point of it, people say you are an animal ;
money, say you are bad , no money , people call you worthless wretch ; < br> fight it himself , so his girlfriend is old money , so that women support it, as from the palace forget to practice holy canon .
not entertainment , fear of being the boss of waste , and to socialize it, afraid of his wife scrap it.
hey! This man who made ​​life difficult years .
married woman can wait , Men and other night? Women there is still March Eighth, Men have night?
wish all the man from the security group within the mandate of heaven !
man in this life is very hard :
long Shuai point of it, so sought after , not handsome bar, Nabuchushou ;
lively point of it, that you too much oil, it does not say anything , say you are too boring ;
suit it, that you seriously. wear yourself at it, it says you guys Township ;
will earn it , for fear mistresses ; do not earn it, afraid of kids weaned
, get married , afraid that they regret; do not get married, afraid of her regret ,
to have a baby it, afraid of them not to support , not to have children now , Palao no one would care to do these days a woman
difficult to do More difficult for men .

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